A little bit about me, Plant Strong Moma

Hello all!

I'm a mom, bonus mom, wife and I'm happily plant strong!

I was raised in a meat and potato family (mostly because that's what my dad likes to eat) with veggies as sides. I thought eating meats was essential to every meal.  How things have changed for me! The hubby was raised on mostly veggies with meats more of a side dish. He wasn't bothered much at all when we switched to a vegan diet.

We have two beautiful children. My bonus kid (BK) is 13 years old.  His momma and the hubby raised him to be a great kid! One of my faves actually.  BK is one of the luckiest kids around, he has 4 parents that love him beyond belief.  His dad and myself and his momma and bonus dad.  We co-parent in quite a lovely way. We wouldn't have it any different. BK is getting used to the vegan lifestyle when he's with us which makes us very happy. We do offer non-vegan items because we truly feel he is old enough to know what he does and does not like.

The hubby and I have a little girl together. J is 15 months old and has been vegan since birth. She's a huge fan of beans, quinoa, brown rice and juice made by us (it's the best way to get her to have her greens!) She is the light of my life!!

In December of 2011 the hubby and I sat down and watched Forks Over Knives with the In-Laws.  I didn't know what to expect but sat down and watched. My nutritional coach talked up this movie as well as the type of diet it featured. She is an advocate for plant strong. But, in my mind I could NEVER give up bacon. NEVER! I told her that frequently.  While watching this absolutely eye opening film I thought about my own cholesterol issues and thought I should give this a try! But, I thought for sure the hubby would not be on board. Once the film was over he looked at me and said, let's do this. Let's give up animal products!


In January 2012 we gave up on our beloved bacon as well as all other animal products. Our neighbors were happy with the meat we had purchased at the local butcher, that's for sure. I was scared. But, we knew it was for the best.

I had been told for years that my cholesterol which stayed around 250 (total) could not be lowered because it was all hereditary. My doctor was ready to put me on statin drugs so I wouldn't suffer with heart disease but I was in moma mode which is too dangerous. He told me that as soon as I was done having children I would have to go on these dangerous drugs.  I did not agree. I started seeing a Naturopath around the time I stopped with the animal products (about a month after) and had my blood checked. My cholesterol was the lowest it had ever been, 185!! So, within the year of not eating dairy and the month of no meat I lowered my cholesterol! I lowered it without drugs!

I've suffered from migraines my whole life. Several years ago I cut out processed foods. It saved me! This step, cutting animal products, seemed like a logical next step.  One I do not regret! I went from being the bacon queen to the kale queen. Man, I love that stuff!! Kale is the new bacon! I eat it with everything!

This house full of health is full of variety, nutrition and love. As a professionally trained chef cooking is a passion. I love to try new things and this was all new to me. I feel like I'm learning again. But, that's the best part! Cooking is fun and relaxing all at the same time.

Cheers and happy eating!

I love music, as does the rest of the family. You will often see playlists at the end of my posts. Things I'm listening to at the time of writing and/or cooking. It's just iTunes on random. I do hope you enjoy.


  1. So glad I found you! Am 50, always teetering on the edge of going plant strong. Have seen enough health (for the better) changes since cutting red meat to 1x a month, chicken and fish to 1x a week. Seriously, I would like to cut the meat (unsure about the fish...I eat mainly salmon) entirely. Prob will order Forks over Knives soon (we file our taxes a bit..late! Lol) This is very inspiring. ;o)

    1. Forks Over Knives was such an inspiration for me!! I also just finished my studies and am now Certified in plant-based nutrition. Who knew one film would change my life? I sure didn't!! Good luck on your journey. It's an amazing journey. If you ever have an questions just let me know.

  2. Kale is the new bacon! ROFL!!! I discovered my love for that green leafy veg 2 years ago!!
